Main sewer lines

Have you ever wondered what the inside of you main sewer drain lines look like? No? You’re not alone! Most people completely disregard their main drain lines until a problem arises. Home inspectors generally don’t cover sewer inspections due to the high cost of equipment.

If your home is older, generally mid 80’s and prior, there’s a very good chance your main sewer and drain lines are made out of cast iron and clay pipes. These pipes are prone to failure due to the lack of durability compared to newer materials being used (PVC & ABS). Shifts or cracks in clay pipe will lead to choke points for sewage build up, and even worse, they provide an entry way for roots. Once roots penetrate your sewer line, they will eventually grow to the point where you’re drains are completely blocked. Once roots have overtaken your drains, it is extremely difficult to remove them and often times require complete drain replacement.

Like many things in life, if caught early enough, drain snakes can take care of small roots that have entered your drain line, or better yet, proper repairs can be done in a timely manner BEFORE an emergency happens. From my experience, drain lines like to block up right before a long weekend when you have family coming over for a nice dinner. Nothing is worse than having blocked drains before a nice long weekend!

We provide camera inspections for your main drain lines, call us for a estimate!

Shift in the clay pipe joint, you can see the roots starting to from around the opening
Inside of a pipe completely blocked by about 6′ of roots and sewage.
Rubber coupling is no match for large roots!
replaced a section of cast iron / clay pipe that was completely blocked by roots.
ripped off the rubber coupling and you can see the large gap between the pipes that allow roots to sneak in.